
Youth & Kids Krav Maga Classes

How it works

Simply fun practical self-defence training for ages 9–17 years.

Our kids and teens classes are designed to deal with the safety issues the student faces on the streets today. Classes draw on the basic Krav Maga principles – with the aim to equip students with the skills needed to avoid or deal with threats and attacks. 

The training  teaches the student to act responsibly and to avoid unnecessary risks. Having respect for themselves and others. Understanding that ‘gut feeling’ and that It’s not weak to walk away from trouble. 

The student will not only learn some realistic self-defence skills, they will also make great friends, improve their fitness and focus too. There are also opportunities to grade.

Training consists of three 12-week terms. Fees are spread across the year at £45 per month. Classes run during half-term.


Training times



Kids learn Krav Maga

Krav Maga demonstration

Frequently asked questions